COP28 Singapore Pavilion: Enabling private investment for nature-based solutions – From ideas to action

AACM’s permanent chair, Dharsono Hartono has also been invited to speak in Singapore Pavilion at the COP28 on the session ‘Enabling Private Investment for Nature-based Solutions: From ideas to action” along with other speakers Professor Koh Lian Pin, Associate Vice President & Chief Sustainability Scientist of National University Singapore; Hoong Ling Min, Investment Director of GenZero; Anne Laurence Rocher, Deputy CEO, Head of Private Equity, and Natural Capital of Mirova; and Jennifer Morris, CEO of The Nature Conservancy.

Nature based solutions are critically underfunded. They currently receive less than 3% of total climate finance despite being a cost-effective solution for climate mitigation. This session is specifically addressing the levers to unlock private investments into nature-based solutions and the types of capital needed.

Dharsono was sharing about the exciting developments of the AACM that will accommodate the enormous potential of the carbon market in Southeast Asia and accelerate ASEAN net-zero and sustainability transformation. The region's need for a voluntary carbon market is really high. Therefore AACM has a commitment to assist its members, not only in ensuring the demands are fulfilled, but also to the transparent, verifiable, and environmentally robust carbon market.

To know more about the key takeaways from the session, please visit here

Some key takeaways from the session are:

  • Role of NbS: The IPCC's AR6 WGIII highlights the potential of NBS, presenting 8 to 14 billion tonnes of potential reduction at a relatively economical cost of less than US$100 per tonne. NBS, with its immediacy, especially in land use change and forestry, can play a pivotal role in reducing emissions.
  • Financing and Risks in NBS Investments: While private sector finance flows into NBS have increased, there's still a significant financing gap. Blended finance and assessing risks associated with individual projects are critical for successful NBS investments.
  • Trends in NBS from a Client's Perspective: The trend is clear — beyond its hashtag carbon sequestration potential, there is growing interest from traditional finance investors and corporates in the co-benefits from NBS such as soil quality, food security, and biodiversity loss. However, they remain cautious due to the risk-return framework, which has not yet reached the same level as traditional investments.

To watch the session please click here: